The Most Important Things of our Life


In the absence of animosity and violence, peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony. Peace is widely used in a social context to refer to the absence of conflict (such as war) and the absence of fear of violence amongst individuals or groups. Through various sorts of agreements or peace treaties, leaders have utilized peace making and diplomacy to construct a type of behavioural restriction that has resulted in the formation of regional peace or economic progress. Reduced conflicts, increased economic interactivity, and subsequently enormous affluence have often come from such behavioural constraints.

“Psychological peace” (such as peaceful thinking and emotions) is less precisely defined, although it is frequently a prerequisite for achieving “behavioural peace.” A “quiet inner disposition” can occasionally lead to peaceful behaviour. Some people believe that peace can be achieved by cultivating an inner calmness that is unaffected by the uncertainties of everyday life. The development of a “peaceful internal disposition” for oneself and others might aid in the resolution with otherwise seemingly incompatible opposing goals. Peace is not typically found in a state of excitement, though we are glad when we are, peace is found when one’s mind is quiet and content.

Peace is Important [Peace is Important - Now More Than Ever]

Over a billion people throughout the world are suffering the consequences of systematic violence in their countries as you read this. Indeed, most of us can recall seeing or hearing about some form of violence on the news or witnessing it first-hand.

What is the definition of violence? The absence of peace is defined as violence. It is past time for us to recognize the value of peace if we are to continue to live on this planet we call home.

What makes peace so crucial in today's world?

Almost 80 million people are considered refugees who have fled their nations due to the lack of peace in their surroundings. For example, according to the United Nations, the number of civilians killed in Afghanistan’s war grew to 100,000 between 2009 and 2019. This year, the battle claimed the lives of 10,000 additional people.

In these circumstances, how can a society prosper and improve the lives of its members?

The victims of every armed conflict are not just numbers; they are persons. They are citizens who play important roles in society, such as teachers, doctors, and others. A civilization that loses crucial members functions as a dysfunctional group of people rather than as a structure. Much of the current situation is the result of violence.

The solution is peace (and has always been)

The absence of strife, on the other side, is peace. Contrary to popular belief, peace is a natural state of affairs. The advent of violence in peaceful civilizations is not inherent to their structure, but forced upon them, just as homeostasis is innate to any environment and external influences cause it to change.

The expansion of unequal relationships is one of the key reasons for the absence of peace. Violence is on the verge of erupting wherever and when a disadvantaged party is under the rule of an oppressor.

This indicates that when an oppressive force pulls another segment of the people under its control due to ambition, cruelty, or economic interests, the natural balance is disrupted, and the society becomes hostile.

Peace is the antidote to violence, and fairness is the bedrock of long-term peace.

What do you mean by personal peace?

Intrapersonal peace or inner peace are terms used to describe personal peace. It entails being at peace with oneself. Personal peace involves accepting yourself as you are, regardless of how you appear on the outside or what you believe about yourself: spirit, soul, and body. This is also the product of a deeper and more complete inner understanding.

Have you figured out who you are yet? Self-discovery is one of the most important aspects of true personal tranquility. Self-discovery isn’t about longing to be someone else; it’s about examining the qualities and personality traits that make you the unique person you are. These are the characteristics that distinguish you from the rest of the crowd.

Because socialism is the order of the day in many, it appears that self-exploration is discouraged.

We get lost in the vast ocean of people and their perspectives on the world and ourselves. What defines us is what our parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, and colleagues think and say about us.

But, hold for a second, might they always be correct? Is there something wrong with their viewpoints?

Where do you go to find personal peace?

  1. Self-discovery
  2. This is a step-by-step procedure. It’s a trip that only comes around once in a lifetime. This is not the same as self-improvement, which can last a lifetime. When it comes to personal, you still need others people’s views, but keep in mind that you know yourself much better than your parents.

  3. Self-improvement
  4. Self-improvement follows self-discovery, and the two words are collectively termed as personal development. This is due to the fact that you can only build, improve, or grow what already exists. This progress entails learning how to live in harmony with yourself, which is the subject of this article.

    Having a better understanding of oneself can also help you have a better understanding of others. This will help you live a more peaceful existence in many ways. When you understand that anger isn’t the answer, you’ll be able to live in harmony with yourself and others.

    This is when self-improvement transforms into a process of learning to live in harmony with yourself and others. This means that the key to living in peace is to understand.

  5. Conflict avoidance
  6. This is something I was born with. This is the system I was born with because, since the 1980s, I have been employing it automatically to maintain a sense of personal serenity. Because this procedure is difficult, it may not be appropriate for all persons.

    We are all individuals, and what works for me may not work for you. It could work for you or it could not. You are one-of-a-kind and exceptional. But one of the ways I achieve peace with it myself is to avoid arguments.

  7. Repentance
  8. If I can’t avoid disagreement totally, I use repentance as a backup strategy. This means that even if I am not at fault, I am the first to apologize or seek forgiveness. This isn’t a denial of facts; it’s all about resolving the disagreement.

    Pushing and pressing when success isn’t a goal to be reached seems silly to me. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to explain yourself to some individuals; they just don’t get it. They become upset the more you try to excuse your actions. So, for the sake of peace, the greatest option is to yield.

    Even though we are often informed that quitters never win, quitting is not always a bad habit. This assertion isn’t always correct. In trying to beat, you must sometimes give up.

  9. Withdrawal
  10. To live in personal calmness, the last choice for me is to retreat or get away from the thing or person that is upsetting my serenity. I may even go so far as to refrain from speaking or listening to the opponent for a period of time in order to reclaim my joy and personal tranquility.

    You can’t modify humans in any way since they are complex individuals, especially when they have such hard personalities. People with set thoughts find it difficult to change to changing situations, which makes living in peace with them more difficult.

    But if I can stop them, I’ll be able to live in peace. These folks, on the other hand, are not ineffective since they assist me in adjusting. They show me that I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Is this not true that they do not have to? This broadens my understanding of other people.

    According to the Bible, Jesus understood what was in everyone’s heart (all men). He understood that people might praise you one minute and then trash you the next. People might bless you one moment and curse you the next.

Choice of your own personality

You must now make a personal decision. You most likely have a system in place for achieving and maintaining personal tranquillity. What I’ve written here is a combination of what others know and what I’ve learned from my personal experiences. Similarly, you have a voice as well.

Some of the ideas I presented above can be agreed upon or disagreed upon. This means that personal liberty is a value that I carry with me wherever I go. I am a free person, and I presume that everyone else is, too. I have the freedom to think in a different way than the rest of the group. I feel that gaining a better awareness of ourselves leads to gaining a better understanding of those around us.

Unless society is correct, how society defines me is not how I define myself. However, you may have a different viewpoint. You are free to compare your point of view to mine. In any case, it’s your point of view. So, what are your thoughts on this? Is it still possible for society to define you? Why do you think that is?

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